Stage 1: Scoping Mission and Request for Support

Engagement with the NDC Partnership is a country-driven process. In this first stage, a Member country, where possible, submits a Request for Support Letter (RSL) for in-country support from the Partnership.

This process will be coordinated by designated Partnership Focal Points (FPs) in the ministries of environment and finance and/or planning.

The RSL initiates a chain of events, including identifying a Scoping Lead, comprising a team from the Support Unit (SU) or from one of the Partnership’s Members.

Throughout this stage, the Partnership works through existing systems of the governments and development partners. To ensure the country engagement process is a function of the Partnership as a coalition of its Members, Members are involved throughout the process, including in revision and drafting processes, consultations or other.

Stage 1

Not all countries may choose this path and request support from the Partnership through an RSL. To accommodate the different ways in which countries may wish to engage the Partnership, the process is designed to be flexible and adapt to country specific contexts. Regardless of the model adopted, the Partnership works to maintain an open process under the direction of the government, while involving Partnership Members throughout the process.

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