Flexibility within the engagement approach is critical to accommodate the different ways in which the government may lead this process.
The engagement approaches will differ from country to country, as each country will tailor its engagement with the Partnership to fit their unique context, as demonstrated in the country case studies presented below.

Explore examples of Country Engagement
The Presidential Office for Climate Change, the Secretariat of Natural Resources, and the Environment of the Republic of Honduras approved the country’s Partnership Plan in May 2018.
The five priority areas of the Plan include:
- Revising the country’s NDC;
- Prioritizing a list of current and established mitigation and adaptation efforts;
- Developing roadmaps for prioritized actions and signing memoranda of understanding with key partners;
- Establishing a system of monitoring, reporting and evaluation; and
- Strengthening inter-institutional coordination for climate action.
To deliver on these priorities, the plan identifies 21 activities to be carried out over the next three years.
In Honduras, more detailed and elaborated studies and improved data, provided through support from GIZ, UNDP and UN Environment, are enabling the country to revisit and revise its NDC in 2018 as opposed to 2020. With better baseline emission data and 2030 business-as-usual projections, Honduras will be able to submit a more precise and more ambitious NDC at COP 25.
Mongolia is the first country in the region to launch a Partnership Plan, and is setting a positive example on how to involve all relevant government bodies, Implementing Partners, and donors in its implementation.
In support of Mongolia, the NDC Partnership organized the first ever NDC dialogue that helped raise awareness of what NDCs are and how sectors are expected to contribute.
Mongolia’s Plan puts in place mechanisms to ensure its successful implementation, which in turn will ensure Mongolia meets is commitment to achieve a 14 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, compared to a business-as-usual scenario.
The four priority areas are:
- Improving an operational and policy framework for effective climate change governance;
- Increasing access to climate finance;
- Improving transparency of monitoring and reporting on climate actions; and
- Strengthening capacity of government, non-government and private sector officials to effectively implement the country’s NDC and link it to relevant development plans and strategies
The NDC Partnership, at the request of the Ministry of Environment and Tourism is building an online platform to facilitate cooperation on the implementation of Mongolia’s NDC. The platform will enable government and Implementing Partners to quickly and easily exchange information and improve collaboration on NDC implementation activities, share and access relevant information and documents, and clearly identify how individual actions and projects play an essential role in reaching common climate goals.
The government will establish a national Steering Committee and a Technical Committee to coordination NDC implementation.
As Africa’s first Partnership Plan, the Uganda Partnership Plan represents a true partnership between the Climate Change Department of the Ministry of Watner and Environment, the Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic Development, and the National Planning Authority. 16 members and non-members signed off on the Partnership Plan in June 2018 and now 21 Partners are actively contributing to it.
The Partnership Plan includes:
- A legal framework which was enacted for the climate change management of Uganda
- A budget tracking system to monitor inter/national climate finance (inflows/expenditures)
- Sector greenhouse gas inventories established and linked with national inventories
- A SDG, NDC, Green Growth Development Strategy with specific actions for gender integration in the second and third National Development Plans
- A scaling up of climate smart agriculture for adaptation in a central cattle corridor
- The promotion of cultivation of high-yielding upland rice in Uganda
- The development of Agricultural Insurance Schemes
An in-country facilitator is funded through the Dutch government is now coordinating the implementation of the Parntership Plan.
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