This page features key terms used by the NDC Partnership.
Country Engagement
Recognizing that non-state actors (NSAs) are essential partners to governments, the NDC Partnership invites NSAs to join as Associate Members and participate in aspects of its work. The Partnership welcomes NSAs who exist as an independently registered legal entity; have a mission to pursue climate action and support a broader transition towards sustainable development; and currently support NDC Partnership Member Countries in climate action and development activities.
Development Partner (DP)
Partners that provide funding for the implementation of the Partnership Plan, either directly through the implementing partners, or through some other mechanism.
Focal Points (FP)
Appointed ministries from Member country government who oversee engagement with the Partnership.
Implementing Partner (IP)
In-country stakeholders (Member or Non-Member) that assist with the implementation of the Partnership Plan.
In-Country Facilitator
Entities or individuals identified and approved by the country government, who serves as the NDC Partnership’s national-level interface, operating as a liaison between the country and the NDC Partnership and coordinating the implementation of the Partnership Plan.
Member country
Countries that have joined the NDC Partnership.
Partnership Plan (PP)
A plan that outlines common objectives and outputs, set by the government to achieve country NDC goals. The Partnership Plan reflects priorities, and may not necessarily encompass the whole of the NDC.
Rapid Situational Assessment (RSA)
An assessment tool that outlines support needs, gaps in NDC implementation, stakeholder maps, and potential areas of support.
Scoping Lead
An entity who volunteers to lead the work from stage 1 (pre-scoping calls) to stage 3 (completion of the partnership plan). The Scoping Lead must be approved by the Member country request for support from the Partnership.
Support Unit (SU)
The secretariat of the NDC Partnership, carrying forward operational responsibilities for the whole of the Partnership.
Paris Agreement
In 2015, 196 Parties came together to set the world on a course towards sustainable development, aiming at limiting warming to 1.5 to 2 degrees Celcius above pre-industrial levels. Through the Paris Agreement, Parties agreed to a long-term goal for adaptation and to work towards making finance flows consistent with a pathway towards low greenhouse gas emissions and climate-resilient development.
Results-Based Management
Theory of Change (ToC)
Describes in detail – often visually – the causal linkages from output (i.e. the direct and tangible results) to outcome (longer-term change). ToC defines long-term goals and then maps backward to identify necessary preconditions.
Performance Indicator
A quantitative and/or qualitative variable that allows the verification of changes produced by a development intervention relative to what was planned. An indicator is a means of measuring change; a target is a specific end point.
The likely or achieved short-term and medium-term effects of an intervention’s outputs or the extent to which an intervention’s major relevant objectives were achieved, or are expected to be achieved efficiently. Typically describe the change of behaviour resulting from the uptake or use or implementation (often by beneficiaries) of the Outputs.
The products and services which result from the completion of Activities within a development intervention. The deliverables or term of reference of the project manager and team.
The situation prior to a development intervention against which progress can be assessed or comparisons made.
Significant points in the lifetime of a project. Times by which certain progress should have been made. Formative indicator or target.
Results are changes in a state or condition which derive from a cause-and-effect relationship. Change set in motion by a development intervention – its output, outcome and impact.
Results Based Management (RBM)
A management strategy by which an organisation ensures that its processes, products and services contribute to the achievement of desired results (outputs, outcomes and impacts). RBM rests on clearly defined accountability for results and requires monitoring and self-assessment of progress towards results, and reporting on performance.
Results Chain (RC)
The causal sequence for a development intervention that stipulates the necessary sequence to achieve desired objectives – beginning with inputs, moving through activities and outputs, and culminating in outcomes, impacts and feedback. Sometimes called an “impact pathway” or “Hierarchy of results”.